Is the Eureka Atom 75 a Good Single Dosing Grinder?

Is the Eureka Atom 75 a Good Single Dosing Grinder?, blog from Clive Coffee, Eureka Atom 75, espresso grinder, single dosing

Whenever we get a new espresso grinder in our warehouse, you can bet that within 24 hours we’ll have tried single dosing with it. Generally, if you’re looking for a good single doser, you wouldn’t pick a grinder with massive 75mm flat burrs, let alone one that’s designed around being quiet. That, of course, did not stop us from putting the Eureka Atom 75 Espresso Grinder through its paces on day one.

The results were immediately impressive. A few coworkers even overheard my involuntary audible reaction and came to see the results. On the first try, it ground my 20-gram dose in a stunning eight seconds. Successive tests proved that this was no fluke.

The Atom 75 churns out grounds faster than most all of our favorite single dosing grinders. You might think “well certainly it just has a lot of retention. No shame in that for a large commercial espresso grinder.” I thought the same, but we’re both wrong.

After a few dozen shots I opened up the Atom 75 to find a nearly bare burr chamber. After sweeping it and the chute clean, I found myself with a measly 2.3 grams of grounds. After putting it back together, running another 80 grams through, and checking the burr chamber I was met with an almost identical result or 2.2 grams.

This is no small feat, even for Eureka grinders which have quite low grind retention on the whole. With blazing fast grind times (whether single dosing or using a full hopper), nearly-silent operation, and negligible retention this is easily one of our new favorite burr grinders. By no coincidence, you’ll find it front-and-center next to the La Marzocco Linea Mini espresso machine on the bar in our showroom where we’ve been single dosing a wide variety of coffees for the past few weeks.